Bill Yermal
9 Heritage Court
Oak Ridge NJ 07438
908 455-1059
8 - 8
Elvis illustration for Elvis trivia book
Einstein illustration produced as a duotone
Illustration for goal setting - Business Finance
Article about Stock losses - Business Finance Magazine
Illustration for Cahners Publishing
Cyber Piracy illustration for Istock images.
Product Illustration for Aircast. Art Directors Club medal winner
Product rendering for Calvin Klein marketing
is a form of commercial art presented as drawings, paintings or other work that is created to embellish, clarify or decorate something. In the past, illustration was reviled as a secondary form of art, but today it has become popular and admired by most people and its use in web design has increased noticeably.
Illustration is one of the most effective tools for enhancing the visibility of websites. Illustration in web design is one way to make sure a website stands out from the crowd, giving it a nice, attractive and unique personality.
I have been creating vector illustration for over 20 years and have worked on projects from highly creative editorial illustration to very technical product renderings.